
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Girl on Sandpaper

An author of a book on painting with pastels listed fine sandpaper as one of the types of paper she's used in the past, and I thought that was pretty cool. The use of an unconventional material intrigued me, so I wanted to give it a try. I chose to use oil pastels, because I didn't have a workspace that's suitable for working with dry pastels. Working with dry pastels produces a lot of dust.

I found out pretty quickly that it wasn't easy to add little details with the wide tip, cylindrical oil pastels, especially on sandpaper! It's a good lesson on how your materials dictate how much detail you can put on your painting. If I only painted one element, like the girl or the flower or the butterfly, I may have been able to create a more detailed rendition of each. Live and learn.

Completed: 11 December 2012
Time Spent: 3 hours
Materials: Crayola oil pastels
Paper: Fine sandpaper, 9in x 11in

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