
Friday, July 19, 2013

First Self-Portrait

This is my first attempt at drawing my self-portrait. I know. I know. It's pretty scary. If I remember correctly, it's the first exercise in Betty Edwards's very popular book, Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain. The exercise is meant as a record of our current skills and to be used as a measure of our progress over time.

I have a mixed feeling about this drawing. It doesn't excite me, because I could've done better; but I'm also kinda proud of it, because I know I have improved much since I drew it. However, I'm steering clear from portraits for now. Yikes.

Lesson learned: Don't doubt yourself. I started this drawing already fully convinced that I would fail. Not good.

Completed: 5 Nov 2011
Time Spent: 20 minutes
Paper: Strathmore recycled sketch paper, 9in x 12in
Materials: 2H Pencil, pink eraser

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