
Friday, August 9, 2013

Brown Hawk

I used a workable fixative on a colored drawing for the first time with this one. It was interesting to see how it darkens the colors, and I was actually surprised to discover that the dark brown colors almost got lost in the black background. The feathers on the back of the hawk's head was quite bright before I applied the fixative. They became dull and flat with the fixative. However, I was able to make corrections as well, which was a lifesaver.

I'm quite unmethodical when applying colors. By that I mean, I don't think about how colors blend or how they affect each other when they're side by side. I just try to match, as much as possible, the colors I see on my reference image with the color pencils I have available to me.

At this stage, I just draw what I see. That is to say, there is no method in my madness, just intuition and desire to complete a drawing.

Completed: 26 July 2013
Time Spent: 8 hours
Materials: Blick Studio color pencils, regular eraser, Krylon workable fixative
Paper: Strathmore 400 black drawing paper, 9x12

Reference Image: 

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